Monday, February 29, 2016

Another building in NYC

Guess which building is this?  Put your guesses in the comment section.  Answer tomorrow...

Here is a complicated structure.  We like the upside down "satellite" pieces for the main building.  We also like the textured pieces.  We use those a lot in our microbuildings.  Tomorrow we will show you how...

Monday, February 22, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Our first destination

New York City!!!

Some of you guessed right, it IS the Empire State Building!!!

Looks more impressive this way...

We liked the textured 1x2 bricks.  We also liked the vertical "grills".

One challenge we faced was that we didn't have the gray "change direction" (or "stud-not-on-top"), SNOT) pieces for the bottom.  We used tan-colored ones.

Next, it's going back in time, still staying in NYC...

As before let us know your guesses in the comments section...

Friday, February 5, 2016

Something rugged this way comes...

The Land Cruiser can go almost anywhere.  We saw many of them in Africa. We even rode in one on a safari.

What do we like about this model?

We like the snorkel on the side. We also like the spare tire. 

"Forced perspective" makes the car look bigger. 

It's actually quite small.

Where are we going? If you think you know this building put your guess in the comment box...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Some techniques for Lego microbuilds

Here is one of our favorite pieces.  And we show you how to use it.

Here is Kylo Ren's ship from our first post.  You see that this piece is the body of the ship, allowing you to connect wings to both sides, a nose piece in the front, cockpit on the top, and flame in the back. 

If you connect 4 of them, you have another version of the x-wing fighter!

Here is another versatile piece. 

Here in the Millennium Falcon it represents the exhaust, and allows you to connect both sides of the ship.

Another piece we like to use is here.  Connected 2 together they make a small arch, or...


 the back of the Falcon...

... or the nose of Rey's Speeder.

Finally this black piece in the center allows 5 things to be connected to it, as shown in the tie fighter.

Next time a new series, buildings from around the world, and the car to take you there...

Monday, February 1, 2016

Red 5

Today is our final model in the Star Wars series, for now.

This is the largest microbuild that we have so far, still fitting in the hand.  We used about 55 small pieces of Lego.

 We like some of the details like the R2-D2 (white cap), the 4 engines and lasers.  

Some have asked for instructions.  Instead of step-by-step instructions tomorrow we will show some techniques and some favorite special pieces.